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Podcast spring-clean

Usually at the end of uni, I set myself a few arbitrary, ‘first world’ tasks. There’s obviously nothing pressing about spring-cleaning my list of podcasts… but the little icon that shows the number of unplayed episodes is at a point that seems to induce anxiety in people who pick up my phone…

I subscribe to podcasts when I hear about them (usually through one reliable friend at gym). But getting around to listening to a few episodes is another thing, so I’m starting an intensive podcast equivalent of Sample Saturday. I’ll give each of the following podcasts a one or two episode test. If they ‘stay’, I’ll add a link.

Narrative / True Crime

The Messenger
Mogul: The Life and Death of Chris Lightly
Dirty John – I was hooked from episode 1 and binge-listened the whole thing.
The Inquiry
Accused – excellent. Zipped through two seasons.
Body on the Moor
Homecoming – it’s fictitious but I loved it.
Casefile True Crime
In the Dark
Tall Tales & True – laugh-out-loud funny.
The Tokyo Hotel – a little too ‘mad-cap’ for me.
Phoebe’s Fall – interesting
How to be a Girl
Alone: A Love Story – a memoir about the a marriage. Fantastic use of voice and music.
Welcome to Night Vale
Found – could be hit and miss but I like the premise (the stories behind found notes and letters).
Hollywood & Crime
Locked Up Abroad – if you like Border Security, you’ll love this.
Sight Unseen
Love Me
Ear Hustle – weirdly compelling
Chasing Ghosts – ignored the NZ accents and listened to all six episodes.

Pop Culture / History / Science

You Must Remember This
Surprisingly Awesome
Science Vs
Every Little Thing – short, sharp and completely absorbing.
Radio Rookies from WNYC
Reply All
The Tidy Towns Finalists
Outer Sanctum
Pop Rocket
Slate’s Culture Gabfest
Pop Culture Happy Hour
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History – good but won’t be top of my listening list.
Stuff You Missed in History Class
Embedded – journalist creates podcast ‘feature stories’. Really well done.
Modern Love
Stuff Mom Never Told You

Uni Related (very loosely)

The Minimalists – okay, although these guys could be more ‘minimal’ with regards to length of their podcasts, it’s good stuff.
Twice Removed – interesting but similar to a tv show that I always tape but never get around to watching, so…
All in the Mind
Death, Sex & Money – find the episode about the Bitcoin mogul and the reading light…
Shrink on the Couch – look past the hosts stereotypical ‘therapist’ voice and this podcast provides an interesting perspective.
Counselling Tutor
The Australia Counselling Podcast
Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Heavyweight – like a ‘therapist with a time machine’


By the Book – premise is terrific (living for two weeks by the advice in particular self-help books) but not at the top of my list.
The Worst Bestsellers – I might cherry-pick a few episodes but it won’t be in my regular feed.
The Readers
The Readings Podcast
London Review Podcast
The Book Review
The Guardian Books Podcast
Melbourne Library Service
Man Booker Prize

Are there any podcasts that you’d recommend? Let me know and I’ll add them to my list.

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