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Sample Saturday – forests, pain, and a funeral home.

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

Walks in the Wild by Peter Wohlleben

Why I have it: Lizzy’s review.

Summary: The ‘how-to’ of forests – animal prints; where to shelter; edible berries.

I’m thinking: No (loved The Hidden Life of Trees but I think this one is too northern-hemisphere-focused for me).

Show Me Where It Hurts by Kylie Maslen

Why I have it: Because I know a number of people living with chronic pain.

Summary: Maslen writes about her experience living with ‘invisible illness’.

It’s not just that I feel bad for missing the parties, dinners, dates and coffees. It’s also that I second-guess my relationships because of all of the special occasions I wasn’t part of.

I’m thinking: Yes

The Undertaker’s Daughter by Kate Mayfield

Why I have it: Recommended to me after I read Fun Home by Alison Bechdel.

Summary: When your home is also a funeral home – Mayfield explores what it meant to be the daughter of a small-town undertaker.

The first time I touched a dead person, I was too short to reach into the casket, so my father picked me up and I leaned in for that first, empty, cold touch. It was thrilling, because it was an unthinkable act.

I’m thinking: Yes.

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