Things that are making me happy this week

01. The Go-Go’s documentary (it was an ace end to the Melbourne International Film Festival).

02. The Junkees podcast (probably only of interest to Aus listeners) – raises so many issues. Have already sent Kitty and Dave multiple emails.

03. Steamy Sutton soap. The COVID fun never ends.

04. Cocktails this week – the Melbourne Mixtape (I’m supporting the hospitality industry, okay?).

05. Richard Fidler talking about his new book, The Golden Maze (described as a ‘biography of Prague’).

06. This is my new crack.

07. Spotting the upcoming Meg Mason convo at Readings. (I haven’t published my review of Sorrow & Bliss yet, but I can let you know now that it will be in my top five for the year).

08. And also this Hetty McKinnon event (I am obsessed with her salads).

09. Hula hoops (they’re fancy, they glow-in-the-dark, and we’re learning new tricks).

10. Live Penguin TV.

11. A cooking class with Burch & Purchese (making the honeycomb was chaos but the finished product – Chocolate and Orange Cream with Passionfruit Jelly, Passionfruit Curd, Honeycomb, and Salted Caramel – was delicious).



12 responses

    • It was! But has given me a new appreciation for the effort required to make desserts with multiple components – so much time to prepare, eaten so quickly… 😀

    • When we were making it, the chef said, “Now if you have leftover chocolate cream….” and my kids looked at me like ‘what’s ‘leftover’ chocolate cream??’ – never happened in our house! 😀

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